Thursday, March 17, 2022

Baha'i book series - free download for Baha'i New Year

What is the Baha'i Faith about? You really need to know a bit about it in this troubled time. Check out one of the introductory books in the series.

Its main teaching is that mankind is one people and that religion is essentially one and progressive.

The Bahá'í Faith is established in more than 100,000 localities in virtually every country and territory around the world. 

The 9 books in the series will be available for free download from Kindle on March 21st which is New Year (Naw-Ruz) for Baha'is.

The titles are as follows:

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction for Christians

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction for Muslims

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction for Hindus 

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction for the Seeker 

The Bahá'í Faith - A Short Introduction for Women

The Bahá'í Faith and the Cosmos – A Short Introduction

Bahá'í Books – A Short Introduction

The Bahá'í Faith and Life After Death

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